Version française | English Version

Information: here and registration: here

Abstract submission deadline (on registration file): January 8, 2018


Dear Colleagues,

The YRFM Young Research Fellows Meeting is an initiative of the French Medicinal Chemistry Society (SCT). The 24th edition gathered 250 young participants from Europe. The 25th edition will take place at the University of Orléans (Hall Sully, department DEG, Law, Economics and Management) during three days (March, 5-7th, 2018).


This meeting brings together young European scientists (PhD students, post-doctoral fellows and young academic/industrial confirmed researchers) and gives them the opportunity to present and discuss the latest innovations and future trends in Medicinal Chemistry.

The topics presented cover all aspects of research in medicinal chemistry: the research and validation of biological targets of therapeutic interest, screening, design, optimization and selection of drug candidates, chemical biology, medicinal chemistry, pharmacokinetics, metabolism and toxicity (ADME-T: absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion, toxicity).

We are delighted and honored to have world-class medicinal chemists as speakers:

Dr A. Ates, UCB Pharma , Belgium
Pr D. Cantillo,
University of Graz , Austria
Dr F. Marion,
Pierre Fabre Laboratories, France
Dr P.A. Driguez,
Sanofi , France
Pr N. Willand,
University of Lille 2, France

Many prestigious prizes will be attributed (SCT, ACS, EFMC) for best oral communications, and posters.
25 oral communications selected from abstracts
30 Flash Poster Presentations selected from abstracts
Poster sessions
Individual career sessions

Flyer JJC 2018


JJC march 2018