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conf ICOA
ICOA conferences in november and december 2022:

wednesday 23/11 at 13:30 seminar room of  ICOA
Dr. Lenuta Profire
(University « Grigore T. Popa » Iasi, Romania)
« New insights into nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs »

 thursday 24/11 at 11:00 seminar room of  ICOA
Dr. Olga Mazuryk
(Jagiellonian University, Poland)
« Antimetastatic activity of polypyridyl ruthenium(II) complexes – in vitro functional and molecular studies »

Dr. Malgorzata Brindell
(Jagiellonian University, Poland)
« Design new fluorescent turn off-on probes for hypoxia imaging »

thursday 01/12 at 10:30 seminar room of ICOA
Dr.Gaëlle Blond
(Strasbourg University, France)
« Syntheses of heterocycles by gold-mediated domino reactions »

Contact:  Marie-Aude HIEBEL
ICOA – UMR 7311 / Université d’Orléans
rue de Chartres
B.P. 6759 – F-45067 Orléans Cedex 2, France


tel: + 33 (0)2 38 49 45 75